
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Passenger Seat.

Some observations:

*I realized that when I listen to a new song, I prefer listening to all those that start with a piano or guitar piece before the lyric take over

*My current attention span is that of a fly

*I develop a restless itch on my palm when people speak like they've got 5 chewing gums stuffed inside their mouth which slows their speech to 5 words in a minute.I like people who talk fast. I tend to consider them smart, even if their intellect may be bordering negative

*I eat food in a record time. Every meal

* Wonder years, who's line is it anyway, Simpsons, will never go out of fad for me

*I love walking, even more now. If time was a friend and my office a cousin, and we all had great understanding, I'd walk to work, right from my doorstep to my work station.

*I prefer heavy rains to drizzling

* I can live on fruits, all my life

*I don't miss facebook at work. Honest

*I have, till now, not written a single serious late coming reason, which, by the way, goes in the official records. I can't help it. The lameness of the entire exercise just makes me want to give the computer (the company) some lameness back.

* I hate the associations with the colour Pink. As much as I don't wear that colour often, I support the one's who do

*I have the most absurd dreams. They can qualify for a perfect hollywood scifi movie

*Some small shops, highly unimportant looking, ignored by most passer by's have the most fantastic/witty lines written on their board

*Women letch at women...way more than men

*It's the toughest, most heart-breaking decision to do away with your old phone

*I start making my weekend plans from early Monday morning

*It's interesting to watch people slyly message during an important business meeting

*It's interesting to watch people scowl at everyone after taking too long in the loo


More later. It's 10 :35 PM, and I feel I am in high school again. This was the right time to sleep. I can plonk myself on the bed, right away.


1 comment:

Scribblers Inc said...

welcome to the world of copywriting and client intense shall get used to it sooner or later...

Scribblers Inc.