
Thursday, April 01, 2010

Because I need a title for this.

I'll start off with a random thought. In between a conversation with a friend, we both happened to say the same thing -An empty mind is a devil's workshop. And I seriously wondered about my dog's state of mind :P

In another state of laziness, when I was done stretching, munching and napping, I happened to open my phone's inbox. And it's surprising how I never bothered to check the number of messages that were cramped inside it......845. HOW on earth did I happen to accumulate that many. I really needed to exercise the delete option, sometime. And I sat with a mission. Cross-legged. Concentration. I read through them all. And an hour went by. I laughed at some, I sniffed at some. All in all, I emoted at each and every one of them.
My inbox now has 840 messages. Phew!

In another state of pensiveness. I hate cross roads. But they always generate excitement. And anticipation. We always have a strange kind of affinity to things we hate.

In another state of recklessness. I want to take a trip to Leh. Alone.

And another state, in another blog.

P.s- ( I generally have abrupt starting and ending to my blogs. I wonder why. )

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can relate to this post. I really can.
And thats strange considering how incredibly random it is. Well, but maybe that's why ;)
There was a time I had a better phone, it had 4000 msgs. Everytime, I sat down to delete the 'unnecessary' ones, never could. There is something about reading old text msgs isn't there?
Why, I think you have just given me the subject for my next post :)
Nice writing!