
Saturday, May 08, 2010

Live fast, die young and leave a good looking corpse.

This one was long over due. Since this marks a new phase of my life. This phase comes with a mixed bag of events and situations. But primarily, I'm a WORKING woman now. As squeamish as those two words make me feel, I think I'll just pass by saying something that sounds splendid- Pagaar, salary, my hard earned deck of green has made it's first entry :)

Life itself has become a swing, and the constant oscillations just never tire out. The momentum doesn't seem to be dying.

My convocation pictures are out. The one's with the caps and capes. Quite honestly, the picture that people claim is mine could be anyone's.My face is lost somewhere in the mass of black. I'm too busy thanking the stranger giving me my diploma, than realizing that this could be a ruined picture in the making. The camera and I just never seem to get along.

Bombay's becoming a barren land. We hardly ever indulge in silliness. Gone are those nights, when we sit together, reminiscing old days. Mostly because the best of the lot has gone back. And we've all joined the crazy rat race, together.

The ambiguity of life does not go, once work starts, quite contrary to popular belief. It doubles, and it keeps playing in your mind, all the time, louder than before. I guess what work DOES teach you, is to tune it down when it gets too blaring. And more so, how to live with it.

More later.

1 comment:

Swetha Ramakrishnan said...

I love you! Congrats on the pay check!